Friday, March 17, 2017

"Penguin Cafe Orchestra" - Penguin Cafe Orchestra [Full Album & Review]

Review by Ted Mills, Josh Couturier (JaeOhEsH)
Release Date: 1981
Duration: 48:25
Genre: New Age, Jazz
Styles: Neo-Classical, Avant-Pop
Recording Date: 1977-1980
Recommended by: Nate Aldrich

JaeOhEsH- I can see this classified as avant-pop, in the sense of its rhythmic randomness, and multiple organizations of familiar and unfamiliar orchestra components. No dedicated structure or choice of instrumentation really paves the way for this ambient, chamber jazz album to ring through the speakers!

Mills- The sophomore album from Simon Jeffes’ homegrown band took over three years to record, but the signs are here that it was a labor of love. While drawing compositional and textural inspiration from both English folk and chamber music, it manages to sound like neither and a wondrous hybrid of both. "Walk Don't Run," a cover of the Ventures’ classic, turns from a surf tune into a merry jig of sorts, with the violins and cellos playing the melody backed by drums, bongos, and shakers. "Telephone and Rubber Band" turns a busy signal into something full of beauty and joy. Unfailingly romantic, sunny music and an album that set the tone of all further PCO releases.


  1. I have this and another one on vinyl. Nice to see it here.

  2. Cheers to Vinyl & Penguin Cafe Orchestra!! :)
